ADR Learning Institute Blog

ADR Learning Institute Blog2021-02-05T16:19:38-07:00
1102, 2025

Is Kindness the Cure for Conflict?

By |February 11th, 2025|Categories: Conflict Resolution Tips|

By: Paula Drouin, Founder and Director ADR International Group Inc. and ADR Learning Institute Kindness has been a foundational element in all our Conflict Resolution courses as a component of the K.E.N. Principle – Kindness, Engagement, and Neutral Mind, which we see as key ingredients to a successful relationship. However, very recently, I realized that showing up in the world as a kind person, not only to [...]

1604, 2024

Marginalized No More – Celebrating Many Mediation Models and Processes

By |April 16th, 2024|Categories: Newsletters|

By: Paula Drouin, Founder and Director ADR International Group Inc. and ADR Learning Institute I have been mediating, facilitating, and delivering Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) training for more than twenty-seven years and have learned Interest-based, Narrative, Transformative, and the Evaluative mediation models, and have facilitated restorative justice dialogue and peacemaking circles. One would think that because mediators work in a field that promotes collaboration, we would easily embrace all [...]

703, 2024

Waves of Change: Reflections from a Mediation Graduate

By |March 7th, 2024|Categories: Mediation Training|

Mid-February 2024, after six years of offering their online Mediation Training Certification Program, the ADR Learning Institute (ADRLI) sent a survey to its mediation alumni. The survey objectives were to gain insight on what had motivated learners to enroll in the program and how it had impacted them. It also asked alumni what they were doing at the time of enrolment and what they are doing now. The goal [...]

202, 2024

What do a revolutionary educational philosopher and a patron saint have in common?

By |February 2nd, 2024|Categories: Conflict Resolution Tips|

By: Anita Veldhuisen Slomp, Instructor with ADR Learning Institute Sounds like a peculiar riddle, doesn’t it? I believe the answer can be found in a quote by Ursula K Le Guin, which says, “Love doesn't just sit there, like a stone, it has to be made, like bread; re-made all the time, made new.” Intrigued? In the email signature from an upcoming student to the ADR Learning Institute, is the [...]

1101, 2024

How did you spend your New Year’s Eve? 

By |January 11th, 2024|Categories: Conflict Resolution Tips|

Everything I need to know as a mediator I am learning from being a Grandparent. By Paula Drouin, Founder and Director, ADR Learning Institute Spending New Year’s Eve alone with a two-year-old and a four-year-old can teach you what you need to know as a professional neutral facilitator, commonly referred to as a mediator.  The first thing I noticed was how slow the clock was ticking for me. It’s [...]

911, 2023

What happens after Mediation Training?

By |November 9th, 2023|Categories: Mentorships|

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA Our team of Instructors and Coaches are often asked “Now that I have the training, how do I become a Mediator?  The content of this article contains the various things we find ourselves sharing with Alumni. If you are on the path to join the world of ADR and RJ as a practitioner who is making enough money [...]

1611, 2022

Deep Listening and Improv – How to Lead like a Mediator

By |November 16th, 2022|Categories: Conflict Resolution Tips|

What makes a great mediator? Turns out it is the ability to listen deeply and be fully present. Over twenty-five years being a mediator and delivering mediation training, I’ve gained a deep respect for the presence truly great mediators bring to their party’s negotiation.

2709, 2021

Keep it Simple

By |September 27th, 2021|Categories: Conflict Resolution Tips|

We all notice when someone seems distraught, anxious, uncomfortable, upset, or distressed.  We find ourselves deciding whether to give them space or check in with them.  If we are unsure of how to check on them, our default may be to just give them space.  But there is a simple way to help them process what they are going through, if you keep it S.I.M.P.L.E. Smile as you approach them.  [...]

502, 2021

New IMI Certified Mediator Training Program: ADR Learning Institute

By |February 5th, 2021|Categories: ADR Learning Institute News|

ADR Learning Institute’s Mediation Training is now recognized by IMI – International Mediation Institute.  This is the announcement from their blog post on January 28, 2021: New IMI Certified Mediator Training Program: ADR Learning Institute (Canada) We are delighted to announce that ADR Learning Institute has had its training program approved as an IMI Certified Mediator Training Program. Retrospective recognition is in place for graduates from 1 December 2019, [...]

502, 2021

Broken Things, Truth, and Malice

By |February 5th, 2021|Categories: Conflict Resolution Tips|

By: Paula Drouin, Founder and President of ADR International Group Inc. and ADR Learning Institute I recently finished reading a book called A Better Man by Louise Penny.  There are two lines in the book that have inspired this little article.  The first is “If you own the truth, then you must also own the malice.” The second is “Things are strongest when they are broken.”  I recognize that [...]

1512, 2020

New Members to the ADRLi Team

By |December 15th, 2020|Categories: ADR Learning Institute News|

ADR Learning Institute has grown so much this year it was time to share the excitement and workload by hiring some staff. In August we hired our first employee as a Part-time Education Administrative Assistant to take care of everything related to student records. She can do things in Excel, Word, PowerPoint and Mail Merge that I did not know was possible. In October we hired a Part-time Education Coordinator to take [...]

1311, 2020

Graduations Pandemic Style

By |November 13th, 2020|Categories: ADR Learning Institute News|

The Art of Conflict Resolution Certificate Program in collaboration with the University of Alberta, Faculty of Extension. Art of Conflict Resolution Zoom Graduation June 2020 We had 8 graduates from our first online Art of Conflict Resolution Certificate Program. We congratulate Paulette DeKelver, Al Proulx, Adnerys Armstrong, John Freebury, Stacy Grainger-Schatz, Christine Wong, Krista Smith, and Tracy Sharuga. The photo is from our last Zoom Class and the other [...]

1111, 2020

Remembering the Sounds of Peace

By |November 11th, 2020|Categories: Conflict Resolution Tips|

The armistice agreement was signed at 5:00am on the 11th day of the 11th month, 1918, but was not to take effect for 6 hours.  Messages were sent to the front lines informing military personnel that the war would end at 11:00am. For a moment put yourself in the wet, cold boots of a soldier on the front lines huddled in a smelly, noisy trench, being given that message.  [...]

407, 2020

Was that an apology?

By |July 4th, 2020|Categories: Conflict Resolution Tips|

When was the last time you apologized? What motivated the apology? Was the apology to sooth your guilt, silence the other person, or just to move on? Or did it come from a place of understanding how your behaviour impacted the other and then it was given for their benefit and the benefit of the relationship? I am not referring to the “I’m sorry” that Canadians are famous for [...]

1712, 2019

Exciting Partnership Announcement

By |December 17th, 2019|Categories: ADR Learning Institute News|

I am so honored to announce that on December 13, 2019 I signed contracts with the Governors of the University of Alberta for the delivery of ADR Learning Institute’s Art of Conflict Resolution Certificate Program courses through the Faculty of Extension commencing January 2020. They will run out of the Faculty of Extension’s downtown classrooms on Jasper Avenue in Edmonton, Alberta. It is a beautiful space with floor to [...]

2410, 2019

Restorative Practices in the Workplace

By |October 24th, 2019|Categories: Conflict Resolution Tips|

Author: Heather Stewart   Edited by Paula Drouin When wrongdoing occurs at work, people are left trying to make sense of what happened, and how to address the impact. People’s basic human need for fairness surfaces along side a desire for justice. Our legal tradition to have an outside authority determine fault and met out punishment is directed at bringing back balance.  This outcome seems fair but rarely helps the [...]

2706, 2019

The Value of Gossip in Your Organization

By |June 27th, 2019|Categories: Conflict Resolution Tips|

nyone who knows me knows that I have described gossip as the cancer in organizations. They have heard me say that employee’s dependence on the informal information pipeline, called gossip, could be damaging moral, undermining leadership, and causing harm. Gossip is cited as an example of disrespect in most modern Respectful Workplace Policies.  So why would I write an article talking about the importance of gossip in an organization? Because, in my quest to become old and wise, not just old, I read topics to expose myself to ideas that are different from the ones I hold true.

2003, 2019

Every New Beginning Requires an Ending

By |March 20th, 2019|Categories: Conflict Resolution Tips|

Author: Paula Drouin in appreciation and memory of Kenneth Newell “Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild, precious life.” – by Mary Oliver. This is a quote I saw during a recent holiday.  It was hanging on the wall in the dining room and greeted me at every meal.  Being in the business of conflict resolution I most often meet people when they [...]

1402, 2019

Conflict as a Pathway to Intimacy

By |February 14th, 2019|Categories: Conflict Resolution Tips|

Author: Paula Drouin, Founder ADR Learning Institute “Conflict is the Pathway to Intimacy”, said author Carl Whitaker, a famous family therapist.[1] This is a saying I heard decades ago, and have been using as a stimulus for discussion in various workshops. Do you agree or disagree?  Some think the statement would be more accurate if it read, “intimacy is the pathway to conflict”. Both are probably true and answering [...]

402, 2019

Conflict Resolution Fitness Test

By |February 4th, 2019|Categories: Conflict Resolution Tips, Newsletters|

It is the time of year for making resolutions.  Health, fitness, happiness, work-life balance, eating right, getting more exercise, more sleep, spending more time with family and friends...and the list goes on.  If finding, creating, maintaining, or achieving healthy relationships was one of your resolutions then becoming comfortable and confident resolving conflicts could mean the difference between success and failure. How conflict resolution savvy are you?  Have you mastered [...]

2609, 2018

Tips for New Leaders

By |September 26th, 2018|Categories: Leadership Tips|

Number 1:  You are only as good as your word.  Once your word is no good, your team is no good.  Integrity is everything.  The difference between keeping your word and honouring your word is that keeping your word is sometimes humanly impossible as there are many outside forces over which you have no control.  Honouring your word means that when you give our word you will honour it unless something happens that makes [...]

1909, 2018

‘Conflict Encouraged’ Work Spaces

By |September 19th, 2018|Categories: Conflict Resolution Tips|

The time has come to create “Conflict Encouraged" work spaces, please.  If I have learned anything after twenty-one years of being a ‘neutral’ parachuting into organizations to address conflict, it is this: Talking about the other person, does not resolve conflict Picking a side, does not resolve conflict Finger pointing, fault finding, and blaming others, does not resolve conflict Ignoring conflict, does not resolve conflict Formal complaints, do not [...]

1609, 2018

What does FAIRNESS have to do with it?

By |September 16th, 2018|Categories: Conflict Resolution Tips|

“The world isn't fair, Calvin." "I know Dad, but why isn't it ever unfair in my favor?” ― Bill Watterson, The Essential Calvin and Hobbes: A Calvin and Hobbes Treasury Have you ever wondered what is going on in your brain or the brains of your clients and coworkers when a conflict exists?  Have you been surprised or confused about what appeared to be an “off the chart” reaction [...]

1209, 2018

Mentoring the Next Generation

By |September 12th, 2018|Categories: Mentorships|

Providing Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) services and training for over two decades has taught me a few things... maybe too many.  When I started in this field there was not a listing in the phone book for mediators.  Now, who even uses a phone book?  A whole lot has changed and it has been a full-time job just keeping up with technology.  What hasn't changed is how little we [...]

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