
What happens after Mediation Training?


This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA Our team of Instructors and Coaches are often asked “Now that I have the training, how do I become a Mediator?  The content of this article contains the various things we find ourselves sharing with Alumni. If you are on the path to join the world of ADR and RJ as a practitioner who is making enough money to support themselves, then you are committing to years of building your reputation and holding down other jobs while you gain experience.  There are full-time positions for mediators now, which there [...]

What happens after Mediation Training?2023-11-09T12:40:05-07:00

Mentoring the Next Generation


Providing Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) services and training for over two decades has taught me a few things... maybe too many.  When I started in this field there was not a listing in the phone book for mediators.  Now, who even uses a phone book?  A whole lot has changed and it has been a full-time job just keeping up with technology.  What hasn't changed is how little we seem to do to support new people entering the field of ADR. In January 2016 I started a group called Mediators Mentoring Mediators because I had awful memories of the stress I experienced conducting my [...]

Mentoring the Next Generation2019-05-28T14:05:31-06:00


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