The Art of Conflict Resolution Certificate Program in collaboration with the University of Alberta, Faculty of Extension.

Art of Conflict Resolution Zoom Graduation June 2020

We had 8 graduates from our first online Art of Conflict Resolution Certificate Program. We congratulate Paulette DeKelver, Al Proulx, Adnerys Armstrong, John Freebury, Stacy Grainger-Schatz, Christine Wong, Krista Smith, and Tracy Sharuga. The photo is from our last Zoom Class and the other photo is a sample of course materials as well as the course materials holder that all graduates received along with their Certificate.

Feedback from Learner’s has consistently been amazing. They not only appreciate being able to access this type of learning safely during the pandemic, but they are loving the quality of instruction and the level of engagement from the education team and the other learners.

Mediation Training Certificate Campfire Graduation 2020

There were 11 graduates from our first 80-hour online/hyflex ADRIC Accredited Mediation Training Certificate Program. We had a Zoom Graduation that everyone could enjoy and a campfire graduation for those who were able to attend. A bit of non-alcoholic bubbly, graduation tassels, and certificates, a beautiful fall evening in the river valley, what more could a graduate ask for?  One of the photos is of face-to-face role play practice pandemic style.

We congratulate Adnerys Armstrong (AB), Emilienne Ngo Batoum (AB), Paulette DeKelver (AB),  John Freebury (AB), Stacy Grainger-Schatz (AB), Carrie-Lynn Hotson (ON), Chislain Kenfack (AB), Veronica Taylor (AB), Melissa Tessler (ON), Tracy Sharuga (AB), and Mel Slomp (AB).

This group of learners provided feedback about how much they learned, how much they loved the online learning environment, how bonded they became as a cohort, and how much support they felt throughout the months of being in courses.

I want to thank Heater Stewart, Niki Kux-Kardos, Glen Klose, Michael Scheidl, Jaemi Bertrand, Jan Gehrke, Sara Ahlstrom, Kari Jones, and Anita Veldhuisen Slomp for providing their vast experience to our learners’ experience.

ADR Learning Institute

Conflict is the pathway to growth and success.  We are committed to providing a supportive learning environment for you to succeed at conflict and negotiation.

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