Today’s workplaces are more complex than ever.  Everyone is expected to be more with less and the tension that places on working relationship can be high.  Many changes to legislation that impacts policies within workplaces, also places a burden on employers to respond more quickly and often more formally to complaints.  Formal process responses to complaints can damage relationships that are already strained.

This course will introduce participants to traditional methods of restoring relationships.  An Elder will be involved for a portion of the training to explain traditional indigenous ways of sharing and healing and introduce Circle process and safety. The training will then move into covering topics on how to transfer the depth of traditional circles into modern workplaces.  Topics will include assessing appropriateness of using a circle process; creating safety; preparing participants; facilitator role and responsibilities; effectively opening, managing and closing the circle process; and customizing the restorative process to meet the situation and participants needs.

Cost: $1050 +gst

3-day course

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