Wil Campbell and Lewis Cardinal

Elder Wil Campbell

Wil is a respected Metis Elder in Edmonton, who holds his own ceremonies, including a Sweatlodge and Sundance.  He says that ceremony is a great place to learn about your family, community and who you are as an indigenous person.

With over 40 years of experience and numerous awards to his name, Wil Campbell has been involved in management, development, and cultural leadership with Indigenous peoples nationally and internationally. A member of numerous international Indigenous councils, Wil has extensive experience promoting Indigenous culture and language in the film, television and radio industries, and works directly with families to maintain their connection to culture and community.

Wil has been the Elder for the NCSA Bear Paw Peacemaking Program for several years.

Lewis Cardinal

Lewis is a communicator and educator. Lewis has dedicated his life’s work to creating and maintaining connections and relationships that cross-cultural divides. His long track record of public service currently includes; Chair of the Global Indigenous Dialogue of Initiatives of Change-International, Trustee for the Parliament of the World’s Religions, and Honorary Board Member, Board of Sponsors, Martin Luther King Jr., International College of Ministers and Laity at Morehouse College in Atlanta, USA, to mention a few.

Lewis has received two medals from Queen Elizabeth II, the Diamond Jubilee Medal for Public Service and the Platinum Jubilee Medal for his contributions to the Province of Alberta, Canada, as well as, the IndSpire Award for Public Service (awarded by Indigenous peoples of Canada), the Province of Alberta’s Centennial Medal for his work in Human Rights and Diversity, the Distinguished Alumni Award from Grant MacEwan University, and the Honorary Degree of “Doctor of Sacred Letters” from St. Stephen’s College at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Lewis is Woodland Cree from the Sucker Creek Cree First Nation in Treaty No. 8 in northern Alberta, Canada. His consulting company, Cardinal Strategic Communications, specializes in Indigenous education, communications, and project development. He is also owner, CEO, and Head Storyteller of Red Earth Blue Sky Productions, a media productions company. Currently, Lewis is Project Manager for “kihcihkaw askî–Sacred Land” in the City of Edmonton, the first designated urban Indigenous ceremony grounds in Canada.