Paula Drouin, C.Med, IMI Certified Mediator

To this speaking engagement Paula will be bringing 27 years of mediation, restorative justice facilitation, conflict resolution coaching, and conflict analysis consultation. She is the founder and president of ADR International Group Inc. and Director of their community education division, ADR Learning Institute.

She has been designing and delivering mediation, negotiation, conflict resolution and restorative justice courses and certificate programs for 27 years. In partnership with Native Counselling Services of Alberta she created and instructs the Bear Paw Peacemaking Program that has been running for 25 years. She holds a Master of Arts in Human Security and Peacebuilding and is the current Chair of the Advisory Council for Humanitarian Studies at Royal Roads University. She has travelled to Northern Uganda to assess the reintegration of child soldiers into the Acholi Tribe, through the UN’s Restorative Justice lens. She also worked in Bosnia and Herzegovina and delivered mediation training for court mediators, while there.

Her years of experience working with Elders delivering mediation and restorative justice training to indigenous justice workers, plus five years of delivering ADR Learning Institute’s Mediation Training Program to registrants from many countries around the world, has provided her with a unique perspective on the many and varied diverse processes for bringing people in conflict together. She is passionate about finding ways of recognizing those doing important conflict resolution and restorative work professionally as well as those working in unofficial capacities as peacemakers in their communities.