Confidence in Conflict
June 16, 2020 @ 6:00 pm - June 20, 2020 @ 4:30 pm
Confidence in Conflict This final course in the Art of Conflict Resolution Series will help you zero in on the theory and practice of conflict resolution to further build your knowledge, skills and confidence. The conflict resolution model will be expanded upon and skill use will be integrated into conflict resolution role-play. $595 +gst This course is being held at the University of Alberta, Faculty of Extension, in downtown Edmonton, Alberta. This course will be open for registration as soon as we can meet face-to-face. Course number: EXCPE 5353 Comfort in Conflict (EXCPE 5350), Communicating Through Conflict (EXCPE 5351) and Communicating Through Escalated Conflict (EXCPE 5352) If you attend Comfort in Conflict, Communicating Through Conflict, Communicating Through Escalated Conflict, and Confidence in Conflict you will earn a Certificate in The Art of Conflict Resolution. Instructor: Paula Drouin – Paula draws on her past experiences working in a maximum security prison and in Edmonton’s inner city to create links between theory and practice. She has delivered workshops on this topic to Correctional Officers, Police, Fire, EMS, and as part of Peacemaker and Mediator training.Schedule:
How to Register: