Communicating Through Escalated Conflict [Online]
November 17, 2020 @ 6:00 pm - November 24, 2020 @ 9:30 pm
3/ Communicating Through Escalated Conflict – Everything you ever wanted to know about managing anger. This online course is a journey through the world of emotional outbursts. Explore why humans are wired to avoid or attack and what triggers those responses. Gain insight on what some of your key triggers are and how to manage your own emotional response. Learn how to defuse emotional outbursts in others and ways to set limits on their expression of anger. $345 +gst This online course is being held through the University of Alberta, Faculty of Extension. Registration for this course will now be done through the University of Alberta, Faculty of Extension website. Click here to register. Course number: EXCPE 5352 Pre-requisite: No pre-requisites however it is strongly recommended that you complete Communicating through Conflict before taking this advanced communication course. Instructor: Paula Drouin – Paula draws on her past experiences working in a maximum security prison and in Edmonton’s inner city to create links between theory and practice. She has delivered workshops on this topic to Correctional Officers, Police, Fire, EMS, and as part of Peacemaker and Mediator training. OUTLINE: This course qualifies for 7 CPD hours from CPHR Alberta OBJECTIVES:Schedule:
How to Register: