Conflict Resolution Tips

Restorative Practices in the Workplace


Author: Heather Stewart   Edited by Paula Drouin When wrongdoing occurs at work, people are left trying to make sense of what happened, and how to address the impact. People’s basic human need for fairness surfaces along side a desire for justice. Our legal tradition to have an outside authority determine fault and met out punishment is directed at bringing back balance.  This outcome seems fair but rarely helps the victim restore or rebuild what was lost.  Restorative Justice introduction Restorative justice requires a different way of thinking when it comes to addressing wrongdoing.  Rather than viewing wrongdoing as a violation [...]

Restorative Practices in the Workplace2019-10-29T13:25:40-06:00

The Value of Gossip in Your Organization


nyone who knows me knows that I have described gossip as the cancer in organizations. They have heard me say that employee’s dependence on the informal information pipeline, called gossip, could be damaging moral, undermining leadership, and causing harm. Gossip is cited as an example of disrespect in most modern Respectful Workplace Policies.  So why would I write an article talking about the importance of gossip in an organization? Because, in my quest to become old and wise, not just old, I read topics to expose myself to ideas that are different from the ones I hold true.

The Value of Gossip in Your Organization2019-06-27T16:23:43-06:00

Every New Beginning Requires an Ending


Author: Paula Drouin in appreciation and memory of Kenneth Newell “Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild, precious life.” – by Mary Oliver. This is a quote I saw during a recent holiday.  It was hanging on the wall in the dining room and greeted me at every meal.  Being in the business of conflict resolution I most often meet people when they are unhappy, disillusioned, dissatisfied, frustrated, and feeling trapped between fight, freeze, flight, tend or befriend.  Being in those states can land a person a long way from remembering that they only [...]

Every New Beginning Requires an Ending2019-03-20T11:32:32-06:00

Conflict as a Pathway to Intimacy


Author: Paula Drouin, Founder ADR Learning Institute “Conflict is the Pathway to Intimacy”, said author Carl Whitaker, a famous family therapist.[1] This is a saying I heard decades ago, and have been using as a stimulus for discussion in various workshops. Do you agree or disagree?  Some think the statement would be more accurate if it read, “intimacy is the pathway to conflict”. Both are probably true and answering which comes first would be like trying to answer the chicken or the egg question. In this article, the word intimacy refers to really knowing someone. What makes them tick? What’s important [...]

Conflict as a Pathway to Intimacy2019-05-28T14:25:38-06:00

Conflict Resolution Fitness Test


It is the time of year for making resolutions.  Health, fitness, happiness, work-life balance, eating right, getting more exercise, more sleep, spending more time with family and friends...and the list goes on.  If finding, creating, maintaining, or achieving healthy relationships was one of your resolutions then becoming comfortable and confident resolving conflicts could mean the difference between success and failure. How conflict resolution savvy are you?  Have you mastered the micro-skills required to journey through conflict?  Are you confident that you have a framework that will provide the route from simply arguing issues to resolving them?  Answer the following questions to [...]

Conflict Resolution Fitness Test2019-05-28T14:21:21-06:00

‘Conflict Encouraged’ Work Spaces


The time has come to create “Conflict Encouraged" work spaces, please.  If I have learned anything after twenty-one years of being a ‘neutral’ parachuting into organizations to address conflict, it is this: Talking about the other person, does not resolve conflict Picking a side, does not resolve conflict Finger pointing, fault finding, and blaming others, does not resolve conflict Ignoring conflict, does not resolve conflict Formal complaints, do not resolve conflict Conflict is not the name of an individual It is time to accept that when two or more of us are gathered together a conflict will arise.  Conflict is [...]

‘Conflict Encouraged’ Work Spaces2019-05-28T14:15:37-06:00

What does FAIRNESS have to do with it?


“The world isn't fair, Calvin." "I know Dad, but why isn't it ever unfair in my favor?” ― Bill Watterson, The Essential Calvin and Hobbes: A Calvin and Hobbes Treasury Have you ever wondered what is going on in your brain or the brains of your clients and coworkers when a conflict exists?  Have you been surprised or confused about what appeared to be an “off the chart” reaction to something you perceived as pretty mundane?  Well, breakthroughs in Neuro Science are now beginning to explain some of that phenomenon. Throughout my career I have noticed that ‘fairness’ is frequently [...]

What does FAIRNESS have to do with it?2019-05-28T14:10:00-06:00
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