Kaitlyn Schmidek

About Kaitlyn Schmidek

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So far Kaitlyn Schmidek has created 3 blog entries.

Is Kindness the Cure for Conflict?


By: Paula Drouin, Founder and Director ADR International Group Inc. and ADR Learning Institute Kindness has been a foundational element in all our Conflict Resolution courses as a component of the K.E.N. Principle – Kindness, Engagement, and Neutral Mind, which we see as key ingredients to a successful relationship. However, very recently, I realized that showing up in the world as a kind person, not only to others but also to yourself, can be the medicine to prevent conflict and the medicine to cure conflict when it happens. I’ve always known that the journey to interpersonal conflict resolution [...]

Is Kindness the Cure for Conflict?2025-02-11T20:47:43-07:00

Waves of Change: Reflections from a Mediation Graduate


Mid-February 2024, after six years of offering their online Mediation Training Certification Program, the ADR Learning Institute (ADRLI) sent a survey to its mediation alumni. The survey objectives were to gain insight on what had motivated learners to enroll in the program and how it had impacted them. It also asked alumni what they were doing at the time of enrolment and what they are doing now. The goal was also to provide content and support to write this newsletter article. Being mediation alumni myself, I declare my bias.  What a good start for a newsletter on mediation! Luckily, like [...]

Waves of Change: Reflections from a Mediation Graduate2024-03-07T11:54:50-07:00

What happens after Mediation Training?


This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA Our team of Instructors and Coaches are often asked “Now that I have the training, how do I become a Mediator?  The content of this article contains the various things we find ourselves sharing with Alumni. If you are on the path to join the world of ADR and RJ as a practitioner who is making enough money to support themselves, then you are committing to years of building your reputation and holding down other jobs while you gain experience.  There are full-time positions for mediators now, which there [...]

What happens after Mediation Training?2023-11-09T12:40:05-07:00
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